This is a booking page for the Mini-COGE on Wednesday, October 15, 2025 - Thursday, October 16, 2025

The Mini-COGE provides practical professional development for educators to support high potential and gifted students. High potential students are not necessarily high achievers; we focus on how to engage and support these students to reach their potential.

The Mini-COGE will help you to;

  • identify gifted, high potential and talented students;
  • differentiate the curriculum for high potential students;
  • implement ability grouping or acceleration;
  • understand gifted education research and best practices; and
  • develop an existing (or create a new) unit of work to best suit the needs of the differentiated classroom and gifted students.

This program is 2-day event that starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 5:30 PM each day. 

The UNSW School of Education is a NESA approved PD provider.

Booking for myself

If you are purchasing a ticket for yourself to attend this event, select "Attendee" on the registration page. This will allow you to input your personal details and reserve your ticket.

After you have completed your details, you can add a ticket for up to 9 additional attendees. Please note that you will need to have each additional attendee's information available to complete your group registration.

Booking on behalf

If you are purchasing tickets on behalf of your school or team, select "Purchaser" on the registration page. This will allow you to purchase tickets for other teachers or staff members to attend this event. A full name and email address will be required for each attendee ticket you purchase.

Once you have completed the purchase, you can email your group tickets directly to each attendee so that they can add their personal details.